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Murphy here again! Hope your all enjoying the last days of summer vacation. I just love swimming in the lake and saving that ball over and over again! If your traveling on one last trip before school starts, listen to these tips from my human about how to keep your dog from making a mess and feel uncomfortable in the car.

If you never travel without a spray bottle and paper towels, your veterinarian might recommend some medication to prevent nausea and vomiting. If your dog is just sick occasionally, or during particularly long rides, there are some tricks to make everyone more comfortable.

Skip breakfast

Travelling on an empty stomach minimizes nausea. Offer water at rest stops and be sure to feed your dog a small meal when you arrive.

Bring a care-package

Stock your car with a few pre-measured baggies of dog food, some paper towels, rubber gloves for messes, and bags to contain any soiled paper towels. Bringing some water from home can also ease tummies sensitive to the varying mineral contents in water.

Dial it down

Try turning the radio down and minimizing noise from open windows. Air conditioning plus a steady but small bit of ventilation near your dog can help them feel better. Some dogs do better when they can see out the window, so try different spots in the car to see what works best.

Don’t leave your dog in the car

Everyone knows this rule now, and Murphy wants everyone to know that there are no excuses for putting his doggie pals in danger. As soon as the hot weather starts, so do the news stories of owners shamed and even charged for endangering their animals by leaving them in a hot car. Even if you leave a window open, the temperature inside the car can rise to a dangerous level in a very short time.

Check out this video for a very powerful experiment by a vet experiencing what it feels like to be locked in a car.

click here —-> Dr. Ernie Ward, Hot Car Experiment

You might think it’s ok, it’s not that hot, or you’ll just be five minutes, but others may not agree and you might find yourself in trouble anyway.

So, let’s say you’ve planned and organized every detail, but you cannot avoid a short stop along the way. What do you do with your dog? If you’re travelling with someone else, ask them to take the dog for a short walk while you take care of your errand. If you’re alone, you can check the door of the store. Many retailers now have signs on the door inviting customers to bring their dogs inside. In an absolute pinch, you’re all alone and you have to go somewhere that dogs are definitely not allowed, tie your dog in a safe, shady spot (making sure they’re well away from cars) with a dish of water and hurry back. Chances are they will collect many pats from other dog lovers while you’re gone.

So what if you follow all these steps and still end up with an overheated dog? See our next blog post to find out how to prevent heat stroke.

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