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Making the decision to say goodbye to your pet is never easy. However, euthanasia can be a compassionate opportunity to end suffering. Assessing your pet’s quality of life on the basis of attitude, appetite and activity is essential in determining when the time is near. Obtaining information on your pet’s condition, treatment options, and potential disease progression is important before a decision is made. Your veterinarian is one of the best sources of information to help answer your questions.

Once the decision is made, you will have some other considerations:

  • Would anyone in the family like to be present? Who? In our opinion, this is a very personal decision, and is in no way reflective of you as an owner. Some people need to be present to see the complete process and say goodbye. Others can not be present, and would prefer to keep only more positive memories. You will have to decide what is the best for you.

Cremation services are available as an after care option, they include:

  • Communal cremation with no ashes returned
  • Communal cremation with ashes returned to you
  • Private cremation with ashes returned to you

Services are provided through Memory Gardens Pet Crematorium in Lively, Ontario. There are various urns and keepsakes that can be added with your aftercare option. To learn more visit their website, or contact us with any further questions you may have.

Do not hesitate to call us if you would like any further information.

Here is a link for assistance when dealing with the loss of your pet:

Dignified Pet Cremation Services in Sudbury (